Learn more about how a graduate education at Temple helps students realize their goals, make meaningful connections and participate in important research initiatives.

Laura Miller smiling on campus

Laura Miller

MEd Secondary Education
College of Education and Human Development

"I hope that having a master's degree will give me more influence and the ability to back my ideas with research, making it easier to advocate for positive change."

Trae Manzili smiling on campus

Trae Manzili

PhD Africology and African American Studies
College of Liberal Arts

"Grad school demands a lot, but it's immensely rewarding when you're prepared and focused."

Hoa Vo headshot

Hoa Vo

MPH Health Policy & Management, MS Health Informatics 
College of Public Health '22

"I highly value human connections and sharing knowledge, and I believe the more you show up, the more you connect, the better the outcome."

Uddipana Kakati headshot

Uddipana Kakati

PhD Chemistry
College of Science and Technology '23

"To anyone considering a PhD, I would say make sure you're truly passionate about the field, or the process will feel like a struggle. I love chemistry, and I loved the work I was doing in my PhD."

Colin Hammar headshot

Colin Hammar

PhD Sociology
College of Liberal Arts '21

"A lot of the advice you get when you enter a PhD program is to know from the outset what you want to do and where you want to go, and to have your research agenda conceptualized before you start. While I think that can be helpful, I also think it’s important to stay open to new directions and opportunities."

Noah Griffith smiling on a basketball court

Noah Griffith

MS Sport Business 
School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management '21

"You have to learn to be uncomfortable in order to make progress and improve. I think that’s one of the most important things."

Simone Shemshedini looking around on campus

Simone Shemshedini

MLArch Landscape Architecture 
Tyler School of Art and Architecture

"I think it’s important to stay connected with the land you’re working on so that you can make decisions that are in-touch and realistic."

Jaggar DeMarco on campus

Jaggar DeMarco

PhD Media and Communication
Klein College of Media and Communication

"My goal in grad school is to show that there is no social justice without disability advocacy."

Ontaria Kim Wilson

Ontaria Kim Wilson

MFA Directing
Boyer College of Music and Dance

"Our society puts so much stress on time and age, but I have learned that those things shouldn’t hold you back from doing what you love to do."

Negar Ghasemi posing with her piano

Negar Ghasemi

MS Music Technology 
Boyer College of Music and Dance

"Coming to Temple was like finding a family that I felt a lack of upon my immigration."

Sena Atsugah smiling on campus

Sena Abigail Atsugah

PhD Dance  
Boyer College of Music and Dance

"It’s important to remember that your family and friends are looking up to you, and the world is looking up to you."

Yerusalem Yohannes smiling on campus

Yerusalem Yohannes

MPH Social and Behavioral Sciences  
College of Public Health

"With Temple being such a big school, it was amazing how I received such a high level of personal and individualized support."

Camila Franco Rodriguez on campus

Camila Franco Rodriguez

PhD Hispanic Linguistics
College of Liberal Arts

"There’s something really comforting about being able to speak Spanish with people in my department."

Hannah Kim on campus

Hannah Kim

PhD Bioinformatics
College of Science and Technology

“When you conduct research, it’s all about finding something new and unique – and you will learn a lot about yourself along the way too.” 

Mariel Delacruz smiling on campus

Mariel Delacruz

PhD Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

“Being able to contribute to my own community, especially in North Philly, has been a motivating factor for me throughout my studies.” ​

Jovan Andjelkovic stands on campus

Jovan Andjelkovic

PhD Machine Learning
College of Science and Technology

“The best moment of teaching is the light bulb moment, and the happiness you see when the student realizes they understand the material.” 

Masters student Linh Vo stands smiling on campus

Linh Vo

MS Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Fox School of Business

“Temple helped me get out of my comfort zone to try new things. It will expose you to all kinds of opportunities, and all you have to do is take the steps to grab them.” 

PhD candidate Lucas de Souza Martins stands smiling on Temple's campus

Lucas de Souza Martins

PhD Diplomatic History
College of Liberal Arts

“I have had many opportunities to visit the countries I’m studying, to meet with policymakers, and to network with important figures in my field.”