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Graduate Symposium

2025 Graduate Research Symposium
Temple University Graduate School is proud to host our annual Graduate Symposium to showcase our incredible graduate students and postdoctoral scholars and their work.

This symposium is not only an opportunity for students to present their work—participating students will be able to network with peers, faculty and staff from all the university's schools and colleges, and they will be considered for travel grants to share their research across the nation. Participants will receive feedback from a select panel of reviewers, and stand-out presenters will be invited to judge future symposiums or present at upcoming events. 

In addition to the poster presentations, select speakers will be delivering oral presentations in an adjacent lecture hall. 

Please join us in celebrating and supporting the work of our students on Friday, April 11, 2025 at 1:00 pm in the Howard Gittis Student Center, Room 200.

Participant Requirements and Application

Submission Information
  • Abstract submission deadline: Friday February 28, 2025, AT 5 pm
  • Structure: For both poster and oral presentations, an abstract with a word limit of 250 words must be submitted. Abstracts should include purpose, objective, or hypothesis (as appropriate for your discipline), research methods, results/expected results, discussion, conclusion (as appropriate by discipline), and future directions of research.  
  • Evaluation Criteria: Abstracts will be reviewed and selected for awards on the basis of the following criteria:  
  1. Purpose/objective/hypothesis is stated clearly. 
  2. Methods/materials are explained clearly. 
  3. Results and findings support the conclusion and/or expected results/direction. 
  4. Abstract is written in clear, grammatically correct language and follows the submission guidelines. 
  • Abstract Publication: All abstracts may appear on the Symposium webpage. Carefully review your abstract prior to submission.
Eligibility Requirements
  • Current graduate students and post-doctoral scholars from all Temple schools and colleges.
  • Work must be endorsed by a Temple faculty member.
  • The Graduate Symposium is an opportunity to bring our academic community together. We encourage all participants to attend the full event and support other students. 
Oral Presentation Guidelines
  • Content: Presentations should include the names of collaborators, advisor(s)/ mentor(s), department(s), purpose/objectives/hypotheses, research methods, results, and future directions of scholarship. 
  • Time: Oral presentations are scheduled in 15-minute intervals. During each session, students will have 12 minutes to present their work and two minutes to answer questions before a transition to the next oral presentation.
  • Audio-Visual: A computer will be available at the Howard Gittis Student Center room 200 A and room B, and your presentation decks (i.e., PowerPoint slides or other visual displays) will be uploaded prior to the start of the event. All final slides must be shared via a Symposium Teams folder no later than Monday, 7 April 2025 by 12:00 noon. 
Poster Presentation Guidelines
  • Content: Presentations should include the names of collaborators, advisor(s)/ mentor(s), department(s), purpose/objectives/hypotheses, research methods, results, and future directions of research. 
  • Size: Posters may be no more than 4 feet wide and 3 feet high. We will provide numbered easels with poster boards and binder clips on which to mount your poster. 
  • Printing Poster: The TECH Center has printers for large posters. 
  • Set-Up: Poster presenters will be allowed to set up their display 15 minutes prior to the start of the poster presentation session. Poster presenters must remove poster displays immediately following the session.
  • Hosting Display: Presenters are required to host their poster display during the entire assigned poster presentation period. During this time, presenters will discuss their scholarship and field questions not only from faculty but also from their graduate student peers. 
  • Reviewers: Selected reviewers will provide feedback on the posters, and this feedback will be shared with presenters via email after the conclusion of the Symposium. 

Reviewer Requirements and Application

Eligibility Requirements
  • Reviewers can be faculty members, staff, Temple Alumni, or other members of the Temple community.
  • Each reviewer is requested to provide feedback for at least 3 presentations. 
Want to participate without presenting?

Register here to attend! 

If you have any questions regarding eligibility or participation, please contact: 

Swati Nagar: